The first seeds to sprout are here. It is the radish and I think they sprouted yesterday so that would make six days. Radish must be the hardiest vegetable of all - only one step away from a weed. Looking forward to seeing what comes next. I'm hopefully that at least half of the seeds will sprout...
Halfway planting the seeds on March 29 I realized I had not correctly prepared the Jiffy potting soil. I was putting the soil dry into the little pots and then adding water, but eventually realized the soil was not absorbing the water. Finally it occured to me that I had better first mix the soil with water in a big bucket and then put the pre-moistened soil into the little pots. So about half of the stuff from March 29 is in the dry soil and half in the pre-moistened soil. Should be interesting to see what happens.
From the long-standing backyard garden I harvest kale, broccoli and strawberries this week. Everything was insanely delicious. I was going to steam the broccoli but ended up eating it raw because is was super tender and tasty. I also had the kale raw in the recipe for Kale, Avocado and Tomato salad which is a recipe everyone should know because it is delicious, easy and makes you feel great great after you eat it.

I haven't made much progress establishing the front veg garden so that's my immediate goal. Got a wheelbarrow from Home Depot last week so I have no excuse not to start.
That's about it for my Easter update. Happy Easter to all those that celebrate. I went to REI today to buy a birthday gift for a friend and (of course) ended up getting some stuff for myself as well, including a book on making knots (photo at right). My knot tying skills are below even the basic level so I thought I'd try it out to learn some useful knots (for when I get my trailer for the car so I can carry around my farm equipment ;-)) and also to give my brain some exercise. As an alternate to suduko maybe (in which I am still at the beginner level :-(
Beautiful blog. Thanks for sharing all this great info
Thanks Michele. I'll be updating often!
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