About Me

Living off the land (as much as possible) in a Los Angeles suburb

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We’ve Got Some Rain

And that’s a big deal in LA. Today and probably tomorrow too. It’s keeping the seedlings nice and damp and saving me the trouble of doing it. I took the potted seedlings out of the plastic water trays to give them a chance to drain to prevent them from getting waterlogged.

Here's a photo (above) of the Australian bottlebrush tree in the backyard. That’s going to have to go in the backyard remodel because the deck will go there (it’s right at the back of the house). It’s pretty hard for me to accept cutting down perfectly healthy trees and throwing them away like an old piece of furniture. Maybe it can be dug up and replanted somewhere else. I’ll ask David Hawkins, the guy who going to build the new garden about that.  It's a beautiful tree and attracts lots of beneficial bees and hummingbirds.

Here’s a couple of “before” photos of the backyard. Looks like a weed-filled lot, which it kind of is as I’ve let the maintenance go when I decided to do the redesign.

I’m trying to eat or transplant everything in the back garden before the demo starts. The kale (below) has been really delicious and beautiful…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You SHOULD feel guilty about cutting down the bottlebrush tree!! Where will the hummingbirds eat?! Why can't you design the deck to incorporate the tree on one side? It's awfully pretty and will look much better than a wall + critters use it for food. You can design the deck to any shape...design it so you don't have the kill the tree! Thus speakith The Lorax!